
My Story

Hi and thanks for visiting my profile. I was raised on a small family farm in Michigan, where I learned hard work, honesty, high ethical standards, and the passion to help others. After earning my Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Michigan, I embarked on my career which within a few years, landed me in Southern California. I had a very successful career in engineering for over 30 years and had my own engineering design firm for almost 20.  

I’m incredibly passionate about health and wellness. Without great health and energy, what you are able to do in your personal, family and professional life will be drastically reduced. I have always been blessed with great health and developed what I thought were good eating, supplementation, and lifestyle habits. However, in 2010, a family health crisis caused me to take an even more natural approach to health. In my study of how to get and stay healthier, I learned how small, gradual, and continuous changes in how we eat, move, sleep and supplement compound over time and create better overall health and longevity.  Along the way, I developed the desire to share my newly gained knowledge and help educate families about better daily health habits and provide resources so that they can avoid what happened in my family.

I’ve adapted the term “Bio Hacking”. If we desire better outcomes—to sleep better, to have more energy and focus, to be free of disease, to have a better memory, to optimize our human performance, then let’s change the things we put into our body and mind to stack the deck in our favor. Part of my Journey has been discovering nutritional products that enhance the “Bio Hacking” process and assist in taking health, longevity, and how we feel to a new dimension.  

Are you concerned about your health as the years go by? Do you think that as you get older, you are predestined to poor health?  I used to think that way. Not anymore, especially after taking Stemtech's RCM Total Wellness System  for several years!